Stand Up Therapeutics

Clinical study

Our main priority is to develop the method of permanent cure for incurable neuro-disease using our smart gene therapy technology. The current clinical program focuses on the development of innovative products targeting Spinal Cord Injury. Stand Up Therapeutics has developed STUP-001 in cooperation with university research institutes, national research institutes, and major hospital.

In Progress

STUP-001 preclinical study (1st step) : Completed
STUP-001, AAV-based gene therapy medication for SCI animal model.
• STUP-001 safety and efficacy evaluation
• Motor function evaluation through BBB scoring test
• GMP grade AAV manufacturing completed
• GLP toxicity test completed.

STUP-001, AAV-based gene therapy medication for clinical study phase (I/II) (2nd step)
• Clinical study (IIT) for SCI patient in 1Q 2023.